Doug Marshall Collection

Dublin Core


Doug Marshall Collection

Date Created



Georgetown (Colo.)


Materials from Doug Marshall, lifelong resident of Georgetown, Colorado, including early videos of western Clear Creek County.

Collection Items

Car on the road around Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph of a blue car on a snowy patch of the road around Waldorf, Colorado.

Snowshoes in Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph of a pair of snowshoes and a shovel in the snow, with Waldorf, Colorado and electric lines visible in the background.

Waldorf, Colorado looking southeast
Photograph taken above Waldorf, Colorado, showing a few buildings and the tops of Mount Evans and Mount Bierstadt.

Buildings in Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph of some of the buildings in Waldorf, Colorado, showing power lines.

Santiago Mill and Mt. McClellan
Photograph showing the Santiago Mill and Mt. McClellan (full of snow) in the Waldorf, Colorado basin.

Santiago Mill in Colorado, from the side
Photograph of the Santiago Mill (near Waldorf, Colorado), showing the side and piping lying outside.

View of truck and Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph looking down on a truck hooked up to some type of piping, with Waldorf, Colorado below. Taken from near the Santiago Mill.

Truck hooked up to piping in the Waldorf basin, Colorado
Photograph of a truck hooked up to some type of piping, in the Waldorf basin around Santiago Mill in Colorado.

Truck with piping, near Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph of a truck carrying piping, with piping lying on the ground. Electric lines are visible. The truck is in the Waldorf basin in Colorado, heading to the Santiago Mill.

Truck carrying piping, near Waldorf, Colorado
Photograph of a work truck carrying piping near Waldorf, Colorado and the Santiago Mill.
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